The pride of the marine pompom. The emblem of MARGERèNE

Our marine pompom that brings good luck

Margerene beret bag

What they say:

On says that you just have to touch the pompom of a sailor to be lucky!
Parvenir to touch the pompom with his index finger, discreetly, brings luck a whole day!

Beyond the emblem

It was with the beret and its deformed roundness that it all began.

And everything has changed for us…

Testimony of the founder

Sometimes all it takes is one event to change a life.

The day when doubt takes you and tightens its grip on you, you can only make the bitter observation of the moment you find yourself. And then the days go by without being able to interfere with it.

Take the time, look around you, and if you don’t know how to replicate your good times by reinventing them.

That’s what I did, and I gave … I created and without expecting anything, I received… I had just touched the pompom.

Margerene, I had done it for myself, not anymore.

“it’s a striking red that can’t leave you indifferent”

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